The Accounting Alliance

A group of production accountants who have come together to share resources and collaborate for better working conditions, regardless of union status, jurisdiction, or location.

Current Project:

We have been brainstorming ways that TAA can provide more resources for individuals entering the film and television industry. We know that there are many barriers to entry, and with this project we will attempt to break down one of those barriers - terminology. Many newbies struggle with the lingo, acronyms, and jargon of production accounting because it can all be a lot to take in for people starting from square one. It can be astounding how much jargon we use in conversation and how much knowledge we may hold that we take for granted.

Imagine having a free, comprehensive, and easily accessible glossary of production accounting terms.

In order to create this glossary, we need your help! TAA Leadership have put our heads together and developed a *lengthy* list of terms. Now, we are crowdsourcing definitions for all of them. This is where members of the alliance come in - we need you to contribute. We want this document to be FOR production accountants BY production accountants. Contribute as much or as little as you'd like. Either way, your contributions will be invaluable to the production accounting community.

TAA Rate Survey

We've had several people reach out with questions about rates and what they should be negotiating for. To get this data - WE NEED YOUR PARTICIPATION! Please take a moment out of your day this week to complete this ANONYMOUS survey. This data will help us all with future salary negotiations and budgeting. We will share the data with our TAA membership as soon as we have enough responses to make it a robust dataset.


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